4. Nyelv és kommunikáció szekció - angol nyelv

Scientific Student Conference offers

Dear Students,

This schoolyear, as part of the School Differently Week, the Scientific Student Conference offers you the opportunity to present a topic of your interest, research and reflection in English as well - to each other, your teachers and even some external evaluator(s). The rewards of participation include, among others, the knowledge you will have gained through the exploration of your chosen topic, preparation for a successful presentation, feedback on your work and an accumulation of experience throughout the whole process, which you can use and build on during your university studies.

Topics and requirements

Suggested topics

Here you will find a range of topics you can choose from. For more details, feel free to ask your teacher!

  1. The Science of Social Media: How Algorithms Affect What We See
  2. Your Digital Twin: How Digital Shadows Reflect (and Affect) Real Life
  3. Privacy in the Digital Age: Understanding and Protecting Your Data
  4. Digital Detox: Reclaiming Control Over Technology Use

5. The Power of Mindset: How Our Beliefs Shape Our Success

6. Online Learning: Revolutionizing Education in the Digital Age

7. Mindset and Online Learning: How Our Beliefs Influence Virtual Education Success

8. The Impact of Technology on the Learning Process: Opportunities and Risks

9. Mindset, Motivation, and Academic Performance: Unlocking Student Potential

What is expected?

  1. Topic plan: one 3-page (TNR, font size 12, 1.5 pt margins, justified) introducing the topic as well as the methods used
  2. Oral presentation: a presentation of max. 10 minutes, made in PowerPoint, Prezi or Canva in which you will present the main points of your paper to the jury and the audience (fellow students, teachers).

You can apply individually, in pairs or in teams of three.


Deadline for application and submission of the project: 31 March 2025.

Presentation date: 26 May 2025.

Evaluation criteria

1. Paper – 50 points


·       Research and content (20 points)

·       Analysis and critical thinking (10 points)

·       Organization and Structure (10 points)

·       Argumentation and Conclusion (10 points)


2.     Presentation - 50 points


·       Clarity and structure (20 points)

·       Visual appeal and design (10 points)

·       Content delivery and timing (10 points)

·       Impact (10 points)


Total: 100 points

1. Nyelv és kommunikáció szekció - német nyelv

Felhívás a Márton Áron Főgimnázium Tudományos Diákköri Konferenciájára (TDK)

2. Nyelv és kommunikáció szekció - román nyelv

Sesiune științifică – anunț pentru elevii Colegiului Național ,,Márton Áron”

3. Nyelv és kommunikáció szekció - magyar nyelv

Felhívás a Márton Áron Főgimnázium Tudományos Diákköri Konferenciájára - magyar és világirodalom szakosztály