Erasmus+, Tišnov


A group of 14 students and two teachers took part in the Erasmus+ learning programme for group activities in Tišnov between 6th - 11th May 2024.

Erasmus+, Tišnov

In Tišnov the group was welcomed by Jana Vykoukalová, the organiser for the programme in Tišnov Gymnasium. The students were devided in three groups (red, blue and green) and they were given the timetables for the week. Our students took part in English and German lesson together with the Czech students. They also had the opportunity to attend history, geography, math classes. 

What did this week mean to them? What experiences did they have? How did they find our Czech hosts? You can find out from their reports.



Erasmus+ képzés: Innovatív tanterem digitális megszervezése

2024 július 8-12.-e között újabb Erasmus+ képzésen volt lehetősége részt venni két kolléganőnek.

Pályázati felhívás

Erasmus+ projekt – Csehország Célcsoport: X., XI., XII. osztályos diákok Helyszín: Tišnov, Csehország